My Experience in Geek Week: Local

Aviral Srivastava
2 min readMar 20, 2021


The GeeksforGeeks VIT Bhopal Community had arranged a marvelous week-long competition where the Community would set some daily tasks and challenges and everyone had to complete them within a time limit of 24 hours. All the students of VIT Bhopal were eligible to take part in this event. The participants had to form a guild and there would be a guild leader representing the guild. Throughout the span of a week -starting from 16th March till 21st March- a healthy competition had ensued between the guilds and a magnanimous team spirit had built between the members. I belonged to the BugBusters guild and we, as its members, had a tremendous amount of enjoyment, amusement, and excitement throughout the week solving all the tasks. Starting from Day 1, we learned how to use GitHub and exercised competitive programming. Day 2 saw us delving deeper into the technical kinds of stuff and examining them properly. Day 3 had us making an android app, generating a tic tac toe game, and using a weather API. Day 4 was all about data visualization and exploring web development and redesigning and creating websites. Day 5 brought in tasks like automation, password encryption, building an AI project, generate a chess game, and using a social media API to name a few. As the week progressed the tasks grew all the more interesting and tougher. We had week-long and weekend challenges too where we had to research more into web automation, GUI, voice assistant and probe deeper into GitHub. The best part of the event was that the tasks were a perfect blend of technical and non-technical chores. The tasks had us sharing meals with our guildmates, playing among us and scribble, and also meeting other guild members. Each day we had 3 live sessions- 1st being the one where the Committee members would explain us the tasks and guide us with the nitty-gritty; 2nd was the one where we were assigned live mini-event challenges and we had to accomplish them to earn extra points and that was the best part of the entire day as it had a lot of unique and engrossing tasks which were so pleasurable to do; the 3rd one was where the core members would update us about the tasks of the next day and update the leaderboard. This event not only gave an astounding insight into the technical world but also gave a chance to interact and build a harmonious ethos among all the participants towards their guilds.



Aviral Srivastava

I have a strong passion for competitive programming and love learning about new technologies.